David Beers

Like thought provoking thrillers? You're in the right place.

Taken from my mailing list

This is something I sent to my mailing list subscribers. Maybe it will help you too.


This email will be a little bit different than my usual ones. Probably fairly short, but I just wanted to pass some thoughts along.

I'm a meditator; I try to do it every day, and for me, the results have been amazing. This past weekend was really pretty hectic--I had to hospitalize two people I know, both of them extremely close to me. It was rough when it happened, and then started causing a good bit of angst and anxiety over the next couple of days.

I sat down last night to meditate, and the speaker I was listening to made a point that really resonated with me. He said, we all want to be happy, we all have these desires that we want fulfilled. For me, in the moment, it was to have my friends and family safe. The speaker went on to say, and because of that, because of these desires that are often unfulfilled, being human is tough.

It's a true statement, and we often forget it, or don't acknowledge it. We should, though, and in recognizing life's difficulty, be kind to ourselves. Recognize in ourselves, and others, that we all want to be happy. You are trying your very best every day, and though you don't always succeed, it's important to be kind to yourself. Appreciate yourself. Love yourself. Be proud of who you, what you're doing, and treat your own faults as you would your child's or someone you love deeply.

I'm not sure if this makes as much sense to you, as it does me, but we constantly hear how we need to be kind to others. I think sometimes it's important to hear that it's okay to be kind to yourself as well.

I've never really sent an email like this, but I hope it finds you well. I hope when you read it you take a second to appreciate who you are and what you're doing.

All the best,


If you're interested in things like this, or ya know, my books--get all of sent directly to you by signing up here: David's Mailing List

Luke Titan. Christian Windsor. Book Five.

The Animal is finished.

Here's the cover.

Yeah. That's gruesome.

Yeah. That's gruesome.

This is the second to last book in The Luke Titan series.

The idea for it came almost out of nowhere, and I think it led to a pretty exciting novel. The reviews so far have been absolutely outstanding. Seriously, if you haven't started this series, you need to. If you liked The Silence of the Lambs, you're going to love this.

Go check it out--it's only $3.99 right now.

The Animal

Signed Copies

I'm a capitalist shill. Now you can buy signed copies of any of my books. Just click the obviously named button, 'signed copies', fill out the form and throw me a few bones--you'll have a personally signed copy on the way.

A new type of novel

I just finished a non-serial novel.

What's that mean exactly, you ask?

For most of my career, I've written very long novels, often broken up by cliffhangers. This time, and for the first time since The Devil's Dream, I didn't do that.

The title is Fallen Saint. It'll be a series (think something like Jack Reacher, in that each book has an ending). Should be out in January. I won't give too much away about it, except to I had a lot of fun with the two main characters. They got a lot of life left in them--and that's exciting.

Audiobooks galore!

I've been working with some great narrators to get my books in audio form. If you ever see me in public, I'll most likely have headphones in (even if I'm with people, because I'd rather not talk to anyone around me). I'll either be listening to music or a book--it's pretty damn cool to be able to listen to books while you're walking around. I'm certain it's improved my ability as a writer, not to mention made me smarter.

So, here's the first book I finished! Red Rain: Clouds Gathering!

The narrator is Charles Kahlenberg, and he does an absolutely astounding job of capturing the book's Texas feel.

Go grab it now and help Daddy get his yacht!

The Singularity Rising: first drafts' all done.

Well, The Singularity series is done from a story perspective. There's a lot of editing left to be done, but for me, that's more light weight than heavy lifting. Once the story is told, it's easy to clean it up so that more story remains and less me.

The first book should be out in a week or two. I've been advised to put a forward in the book, as it's been two years since Revolutionary and people forget.

Here it is:

A Brief Introduction

(Possible Spoilers for The Singularity: Revolutionary)

The Singularity Rising is the sequel series to The Singularity. It takes place five hundred years after the end of Revolutionary.

To save readers time from having to reeducate themselves on The Singularity’s world, I’ve created a very brief cheat sheet on many of the terms and people to be discussed in the following pages.

The Genesis is an artificial intelligence created by humanity fifteen hundred years before the start of this book. It once decided that humanity was too corrupt to continue living without genetic modifications, and consequently, purged much of mankind, while at the same time growing its own ‘crops’ of genetically modified humans.

The Genesis reigned over the world with the help of assistants; artificial intelligence entities—often termed applications. These assistants had freewill, but for the most part, they served The Genesis in Its ultimate aim of creating a harmonic world.

Caesar Wells led a group called The Named—dedicated to destroying The Genesis and giving humanity back its freedom.

Grace was Caesar Well’s loyal assistant.

Paige his lover.

Leon his friend.

Manny his enemy.

Jerry his mentor.

At the end of Revolutionary, Caesar is faced with the choice of deciding humanity’s ultimate fate: to live free, or to live under The Genesis’s rule.

The Singularity Rising answers that final question The Genesis asked Caesar.

“What’s it going to be?”

Red Rain, Part Three

I know, I know, I just dropped Red Rain: Lightning Strikes, and the month before that, gave you all the glorious Part One, but I can't stop writing, so the next is nearly upon us.

This is the last piece.

An exclamation point to the preceding sentences.